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thers a weird glitch where i get negitave items...

its not allowing me to use the fishing pole was wondering if that had been fixed yet

left mouse button to place down blocks for me is not working 

Place blocks with the right mouse button.

With the left button, you use tools.

can't sign in on web version

The fishing rod no work

is there quick drag


This may sound stupid but how do you break blocks that you've already placed down?

use the axe

soo cool but how did u make it 2.5d

im making an rpg game and id like it to be 2.5d 

if any devs see this post would you mind replying ty C

does multiplayer work for the web verison

(1 edit)

First of all, its so simple and elegant game, awesome!

I don't know how but some items duplicate in same slot when moving.

it does that with only wood and fishing rod cause it did it to me and if you don't want that to happen just don't move your fishing rod to wood

(2 edits)

Awesome game!!

i had trouble using a fishing pole. i could use everything else but that

how do i reset my password

how can i login without my password but i know my email

i forgot my password 

How to attack

Buying bed doesnt wor

Yep it does not for some reason

<iframe width="552" height="167" frameborder="0" src="<a href=" https:="""" embed="" 1251925"=""><a" class="redactor-linkify-object">"><a</a> href="Stranded" class="redactor-linkify-object">">Stranded On A Raft by Rinexus Games</a></iframe>

what does this mean


this very good game


This is honestly a good game except for the boulder who kept ruining my raft, i know you should hit it with a pic axe and something for it to be gone but srsly, before i can even finish what im building it already ruins it. i hope you can make the boulder move slower cuz it literally just break everything too quick before i can manage to hit it. 

Before I turned off rock spawning and thunderstorms and enabled peaceful, I used to feel the same way. I no longer have to stop what I'm doing all the time to get rid of a frog, break a rock, or reconstruct anything, but it's still a silght challenge because you have to get the resources to craft things and eat to survive. It, in my opinion, makes the game more enjoyable. Tell me how it goes once you give it a try!

i craft bed twice, but bed disappear. all my leaf turn into wood. 

accidentaly put all wood in cooking pot, cannot take back wood.

no food.


nice game

Could you tell me how you made the events to make the building system in gdvelop5 pls? 

(1 edit) (+2)

I was enjoying the game. until I got hit by the shark and the rock twice at the same time and lost my entire raft except one square.
I had some progress and it really sucked having to start over again and I got bored/frustrated  that it happened twice in 5 minutes. 

I suggest to craft a machete and a pickaxe. The machete can kill the shark and the pickaxe can mine the rock down.

In the next update, I'll be nerfing down the spawn rate of both the shark and rock to make the game a bit more easier :)


I was unable to get to that point between the two. I'd get a crafting bench up and one or the other destroyed it. 

Hey - Can you email us? We have something we need to discuss

Email -

So ein scjies

Is there anywhere to listen to the OST?

I don't know how, but two bugs occurred to me, one is when I save the world and re-enter, the items in the grate disappear and the other is that I left fishing rod | ax | harpoon | wood | baked fish, when I made the platforms, they replaced the fish and it was gone.

do you have web version or mac version?

No mac version unfortunately but we do have a web version. You can play it here Stranded On A Raft (

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Amazing game I have seen your project through the gdevelop community and it's amazing

Thank you for the awesome feedback! I'm very glad that you liked the game. <3

This Game is really cool and fun, I played on my phone! I see it's made with Gdevelop! does making this require coding,  because Gdevelop is a code less game engine,  just curious Thank You!!!

No coding was involved in the makings of this game. GDevelop is indeed a code-less game engine, this game was made using their event sheet style of visual scripting.

Also thank you for playing the game :)

Woahhh i tried to play this in mobile and its so awesome!! Waiting for the co-op multiplayer mode ;)

Thanks for trying out the mobile version of the game!

Co-op is still being reworked and might take a while for it to come back.

Nice i will be waiting for it, but if start a world in the mobile version, i dont get a hook.Is it a bug or did you removed it?


Really fun! I would suggest to make the materials spawn like off the camera and then go in not just pop out of no where, for the rest I love it!

Thank you for the awesome feedback! I might consider changing how materials spawns soon.

Downloaded this after seeing it in the gdevelop Games Showcase.  It looks like a proper game. Nice work. I chose Easy to learn to play. However, I could not see how to build anything, or avoid the rocks, assuming the dark blue is rocks. The shark ate my raft. Now i'm dead. That was hard, and not that fun. 

Thank you so much for playing the game! I will continue improving the gameplay experience update after update.

cool game, making a game like it with my arts XD 

Would love to see it! Thanks for playing <3


How do you doge the rocks? becuse i biult a giand line and the entire thing just collapsed before my eyes...


At the moment, you can't dodge the rock unless you expand your raft horizontally.

I'm planning on adding a new feature where you can dodge the rocks using a new tool.


What engine did you use to make this? Just curious.


The game is made using the GDevelop Engine.


Okay, this is pretty good honestly. It' 2d Raft, a lot of people like raft. I do have some criticism though.

1. Those floating stones just seem like bs rng. With the sharks you have a way to defend, but I couldn't find any way to beat the floating stones. Having things that can damage your raft is good, it adds a good element of tension, but when you are completely screwed cuz one is about to shave off half of your raft and there is nothing you can do, it's frustrating but not in a good way.

When making a difficult element, it's always good to make sure the player can win, when they lose its human error. Granted I might just be an idiot and couldn't figure out how to defeat the floating stones, something to consider.

If I were to give a suggestion maybe add a paddle so you would have to steer the ship left or right to avoid them?

2. The UI is a bit of a pain. It could be easily solved by having keys 1-5 control the action bar slots in the top right hand corner, clicking on them each time I wanted to do something was quite annoying.

3. I feel like the fishing minigame is too easy. It seems to be inspired by Stardew Valley's fishing, which was really good. But in Stardew when you cast in the water you have to wait a random amount of seconds the left click in time to even get to the minigame. 

It may feel exactly like Stardew Valley's but there is nothing wrong with that since it's a good system. When you are further along in development you can add your own twist to make it somewhat different.

I really do think you have something good here though considering how early along the development is. Keep chugging along! I'd play this!


Thank you taking interest in my game! I'll try my best to improve it even further and I might consider adding some of your suggestions to the game. <3

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